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Mold Remediation

 Mold has been a problem for homes and businesses for many years. In fact, mold can often be found in the air and on surfaces even after an outbreak has been removed. Mold is one of the most common allergies experienced by those who suffer from asthma. Those who experience constant runny nose, stuffy nose, or other symptoms that can be associated with asthma may find that they react differently to mold than to other allergens present in the environment. The best way to protect against mold and other toxins is to have your home or business tested for mold before an outbreak occurs.

A mold remediation company can help you contain mold before it takes over. Since airborne mold spores are so small and can exist in both the indoor and outdoor environment, it's technically impossible to eradicate all mold from the air. However, mold remediation of an infected area will return current mold levels to a more acceptable, safe level. Additionally, a company can evaluate the source of water problems and make recommendations for future prevention. Companies also evaluate mold damage in order to make sure that the mold problem doesn't recur after the initial cleanup efforts are complete.

There are two types of mold remediation: indoor and outdoor. Indoor mold remediation is performed inside the structure of the home or building and usually involves removing carpets, filling cracks and holes, vacuuming and sealing. This type of remediation is typically cheaper than the more extensive, long-term indoor mold removal process. Many mold remediation companies also offer mold removal services, which are more detailed and specialized than simple vacuuming and sealing.

Outdoor mold remediation involves the removal of mold spores from buildings and homes. Air scrubbers are specially designed for this application. An air scrubber uses a fan and ventilating system to push air across the moldy porous building materials, removing the mold spores along the way. Using specially designed air scrubbers is an efficient, effective way to fight mold. A high efficiency air scrubber will push air over a large area with little disruption to surrounding structures, reducing the amount of time and money spent on mold remediation. Air scrubbers are also used by many companies that specialize in carpet cleaning.

One of our most popular products is the iICRC Environmental Monitoring System. The iICRC is a non-intrusive, odorless, heat sensitive, water resistant and reusable product that is specifically designed to detect mold within a one-inch area of mold detection. This low detection level is achieved by the use of a sensor that sends out an alarm when mold is detected. Once mold has been found, a trained engineer from iICRC Scientific Consulting will perform a two-step mold remediation process. Please contact us if you would like to purchase or rent our mold detection and removal products.

IICRC environmental monitoring systems and hepa air scrubbers are very effective at removing harmful mold from your home or office. We strongly recommend that you contact us if you suspect you may have a mold problem in your home or workplace. It's better safe than sorry! Mold growth can create toxic and hazardous waste that can affect your health and the health of your family. Mold grows well in warm, moist areas so it is critical that you take action as soon as possible to avoid the spread of mold. Contact iICRC for more information on mold remediation or the services we offer today.


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